Awakening spirit, Actuating People

Reflection on the presence of Exploring Sumba Participants at GKS Laihau

There was an alumni dialogue of STAK Marturia Yogyakarta in Lewa, East Sumba between me and Trustha Rembaka, S.Th, who was in East Sumba facilitating one of Stube-HEMAT Sumba activities. Then Trustha offered an opportunity whether Sumba Christian Church (GKS) of Laihau was interested in accepting a participant of Exploring Sumba program. I immediately answered that I was ready to accept, even though I did not fully understand the program yet. I am sure that Stube-HEMAT program was useful because I also gained knowledge from Stube HEMAT training on Social Analysis when I was studying in Yogyakarta.

I am Rev. Aurelia Aletha Sengge, S.Th., an alumnus of Marturia Theological College of Yogyakarta in 2007 and became a vicar at the synod of the Sumba Christian Church (GKS). Finally, I was ordained to be the pastor at GKS Laihau on February 12, 2015. The church has grown up since September 28, 1982 and currently has 1.347 church members, including 150 teenagers and 450 children. The church activities include worship, visitation and fellowship. There are also youth assistance in collaboration with women's empowerment and child protection services, economic empowerment and children's activities through reading groups and tutoring classes. Laihau itself is located in Lewa Tidahu district, where most area is an agricultural one, so that most of the people work as farmers.

The experience with Redy Hartanto, an Exploring Sumba participant from Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta, left a deep impression to the members of GKS Laihau. He provided assistance to Sunday School children and Sunday School teachers. Sunday school teachers felt his presence for adding value to them because now they know how to open a meeting interestingly, how to talk, play and yells. In addition, Sunday school kids are eager to come to Sunday school and they show confidence, they began not to be shy to sing and tell stories in front.

With his study background in Theology of STAK Marturia Yogyakarta, Redy had initiative to visit church members even though he had not known them before. They felt close to him when he took part in the activities at GKS Laihau and he quickly mingled and talked with them in the daily life. Even in inter-church activities he was quite actively involved, such as in child and youth faith festival (PIAR) of clasis Lewa Tidahu at GKS Watumbelar in July 2017.

"Redy is able to mobilize teenagers to serve and prepare for events in PIAR by training yells of youth groups between churches to be contested and finally won the yells competition. In fact, they were impressed until now, the proof is when someone says "Yells of mas Redy" they still remember it. Personally, the presence of Exploring Sumba participants greatly helped my service in this church because the church members were more frequent in attending the church service and were enthusiastic in participating in church activities. In the future, I hope that participants sent to Sumba is not only able to answer the spiritual aspect but also physical needs, such as agriculture, farming, food processing and health. Go ahead and get success for Stube," said Rev. Aurelia closing her sayings.

An interaction for learning and sharing will be able to arouse enthusiasm and move others. This is a challenge for us, whether our presence has impacted both others and our surroundings environment? (TRU).
