Giving Dedication to Increase Literacy
A young nurse pioneers reading group for children
I have a strong passion
to return to my hometown after completing my study at Stikes Bethesda in
Yogyakarta. After returning to my hometown in Anakalang, Central Sumba, I got a job as a
nurse at Waibakul Hospital, Central Sumba, NTT. The health condition of the
people in Central Sumba needs to be improved because according to my observation, most of the people in Central Sumba can
be grouped into people who have not been aware of the importance of
healthy lifestyle. Most of the patients I served are from economically weak communities with
diseases such as hypertension, gout and lungs. Worse, the high number of smokers in
community has triggered the increase of unhealthy communities in the area.
The frequent interaction
with patients and families of patients and conversations with other health
workers, I think about the importance of health awareness among
the people. So I often told them about the importance of maintaining

My passion arose
firstly when I was
studying in Yogyakarta. I joined Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta training. Not only
once, but repeatedly I attended the training. I found many lessons and after
returning home I felt the benefits of Stube in me. For example, the literacy
community that I follow was inspired by Stube's activities in Global Education
I remember very well, at
that time Eko Prasetyo, the facilitator discussed a lot of things about the
world of education which he thought was very cruel and unfair because the cost
of education was more and more expensive with limited facilities in rural areas. At the end of the
training we were encouraged to write what hopes and contributions we could make
regarding education after finishing study and returning home. My commitment at
that time, I wanted to open a library in my home for children around my home. Currently the reading
group is already established in my house in Galumarada, the Waibakul street,
Katikutana, Sumba Tengah.
I realize that young
people is a productive group of society, so they should be sensitive to the
conditions that occur in their surroundings. Use your youth age for things that
are useful, and spirited to be agent of change, at least for your family and at the surroundings where you live
in. (Efrin Rambu Leki)
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