
Processing Local Food in Gardakau, Aru Islands

By Natasya Derman, S.Pd.          Food is a basic need in our lives. Every day we need some food as a source of nutrition to produce energy, form body tissue and manage all processes in the body. There are various types and variations of food materials with different processing methods. Below, I presented local food materials in the Aru Islands and how they are processed. I am Natasya Derman, teaching the Indonesian language at Nadai State Junior High School, Gardakau, Aru Islands, Maluku Province. I also teach crafts because there is no teacher for the subject. Even though I do not have a background in crafts, I was required to study the subject matter and it turned out that craft is very enjoyable and it has value because through the subject I can encourage students to be creative in processing local foods. Next, the students have more appreciation and creativity toward the potencies of their local area, such as woven mats and sewing mats, bamboo combs, chopsticks, etc. By gettin

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